Monday, November 16, 2009

Correy lived in Alaska?????

By Correy's Dad

I heard many people at Correy's service & afterward at the house that asked us if we ever lived in Alaska or if Correy did? It seems Correy has quite a story of living in Alaska, I wonder if it came after our Spring snow opening trout season trip? We went up years ago after the worst, coldest winter ever on record & the latest heavy snow for Springtime. Usually when we go up fishing for Opening Trout Season, the end of April or first Saturday in May, there is snow up in the upper mountains and a few patches in the campsite. This one year all the way down at 3000 feet there was already snow, by the time we got to our usual camping spot at 7000 feet it was a winter wonderland. 4-6 feet of snow & up to 10-14 foot drifts. All of the picnic tables were under 8-10 foot snow drifts. The outhouses were completely covered in snow, they stand at least 8 feet tall, we could make out the angled roof on the snow. We had to lower ourselves down to go to the bathroom. Correy thought we would have to sleep in the van or go home. I said nope, we are going to build an igloo, having built a few over the years. The snow has to be just right, icy, thick & cold!
We took out a wood hand saw & a flat shovel. We cut rows of blocks about 18" x 18", used the flat shovel to pop them out about 8" thick. We layed out our bottom circle then built on that, less than an hour we had our igloo. Correy got fancy & cut in shelves inside to store stuff, you build a small fire in the center & cut 1 small hole in the ceiling, the smoke goes straight up through the hole due to the extreme cold vs. heat. We only caught one fish that entire 4 days, the rest of the time we build different types, shapes of snow structures & laughed at people driving by looking at us funny & shaking their heads like we were crazy. We also snow boarded anywhere & everywhere, including jumping the 2 lane highway from side to side on the snowboard. I think Correy liked it so much that he created his Alaska story years later, for all intensive purposes it was just like Alaska!!! WELCOME TO ALASKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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