Thursday, October 28, 2010

Baseball with Correy

By Correys' Dad

Correy always was good in ANY sport he played, T-ball, soccer, Hell, even when we were camping we would play baseball with a pine tree branch & a pine cone, he would knock the pine cone out of the camp ground.

We use to take whiffle balls & a plastic bat camping but in a short time Correy would bang them ALL in the river never to be seen again.

We use to play baseball in the street out in front of our house, I’d pitch to Correy & he’s whack it a quarter of the street. He also smacked some solid ones into hoods or sides of neighbors cars, some neighbors are still living here & still have that car so they will remain nameless..Hi Rick!

Sometimes I’d get the baseball right in the chest, I think I still have bruises!!

When Correy played T-ball, once the other kids knew him, he would come up to bat & ALL the kids would run way out in the outfield & still it would go over their heads.

Playing soccer he always gave his ALL! For one team he was goalie & they dubbed Correy, “BIG DOG”, and gave him a hat to wear with “BIG Dog” on it!

I acquired for Correy a poster frame one day someone was getting rid of, it has a soccer goalie stretched way out knocking a ball from becoming a goal, Correy hung it on his wall in his room, it said,"To be a winner, ALL you need to give is ALL YOU have!" I pretty much think he ran his whole life that way!

Sometimes you think when you are playing with your children that it’s just passing time, but THEY REALLY enjoy it & remember it.

The last time I went camping with Correy we played pine cone baseball, he slammed me in the leg & laughed his head off, then reminisced about ALL the times we played together and even Ricks’ car dent!

Don’t ever cheat time with your children; you never know when it will come to an end!

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