Sunday, November 29, 2009

We Ain't No Lumber Jacks!

By Correy's Dad
A few years ago on an Opening Trout Season trip they had a late snowfall the week before we arrived, the sun was out but every piece of fire wood on the ground was saturated with water from the snow. It looked like we would have to actually purchase firewood from the local store for the first time.
We were camping at Eureka Valley Campground, about 6500 feet in the Stanislaus National Forest, a favorite campground of our family. The mountainous rocks are behind us & the river nearby, it don't get any better than this. Correy & I camped at the first campsite nearest the rocks, it has lots of shade and also the rock mountain within a stones throw behind us.
As we surveyed areas for firewood everything on the ground was too wet, I looked about 100 feet up on the rock mountain behind us & seen a few 30 foot downed, dried trees. I scaled the rock wall with a rope in tow & climbed up to the tree laying on the rocks just above our camp. Correy attached the other end of the rope to our chainsaw. I pulled it up & started cutting 4' diameter rounds off the downed tree, I cut 5-6 large rounds.
Now the tricky part was to get these down below to our camp with destroying something, seems to be a common denominator in Fedor camping trips!
Just to paint the picture for you, I'm about 100 feet up a rock mountain, with 5-6 large, heavy, round, yes round, this means these can roll VERY FAST & FAR! Correy is away from the bottom of the mountain, our van is about 20 yards away, our camp is about the same.
Our idea is to push the large wood rounds off the cliff, they land below & we just roll them into camp, split them, INSTANT dry we thought.
The first round lands below & starts rolling towards camp, it spins & comes to rest about 10 feet away, pretty cool. The next couple of rounds do a similar pattern, one Correy had to chase & bring back. I sent the last 2 rounds over the cliff at the same time, I found this was NOT GOOD!
One careened towards Correy at top speed, he started running from it, but it seemed to have a homing beacon on him, wherever he went it followed, Correy finally dove to the side as it continued across camp over the edge right into the river. At the same time a second wood round headed right for the side of our van, it was going to be a direct hit, 7 feet from the van it hit a pot hole in the ground & changed course, now headed for our tent, it side swiped a tree & was now headed for the outhouse, it hit with such force, it moved the outhouse a foot off its perch.
After laughing hysterically for about 20 minutes we gathered all the rounds in camp, except the one in the river, it's probably in some other town by now.
As we enjoyed the great campfires we had from this wood, Correy said, WE AIN'T NO LUMBER JACKS!


Preston said...

Ah how many times have we all come close to serious injury while camping. It just wouldn't be a Fedor trip without a near miss.

Three Boys Mom said...

Well I would have to agree with that statement.