Thursday, October 15, 2009

BIGGEST Dam Sap Pocket

Correy & I were up camping one Opening Day, we gather all of our firewood the first day usually, we like have raging campfires & also like blowing stuff up! Yes, I was a Forest Fire Fighter for many, many years, but what the heck, you have to do some testing every now & then so you see how things work! Each campground has a campground host, most are nice so are "A" HOLES, notice my discretion used here. We were in a upper camp called Baker, this particular host is the "A" hole. We had our fire burning pretty good, our camp was situated way in the corner, about as far from the host as you can get. He usually drove his pickup whenever he came in our area because of the distance. Once it got dark, our area of the camp had no one else camping so we decided to do some burn/explosion testing, 1st a can of soda sealed, it popped, expanded, make funny noises then a low thud, spraying hot soda all over, partially putting out our fire. On a scale of 1-10, a "2"! Next we tried a can of spray paint, we put in the hot ashes & moved away quickly, the can swelled really quickly, even the concave bottom was now rounded, the can was turning a dark purple, then....BOOM, a pretty 3 foot long explosion all in a cool green color, about a "6" on the scale. I told Correy we can do better, I heard if you empty a spray can, the fumes give a much larger explosion. So we had a can of hair spray from home, we took from Vanessa, SHHHHHHHH, she doesn't know!!! We emptied the contents, placed the can in the hot coals, it took forever to even get the can to react, when it did, KAA_BOOOOM!!!!! Not only did the can go off like a sonic boom, it literally shot most of the burning wood from the fire pit with burning embers everywhere. YES KIDS DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME CORREY & I ARE PROFESSIONALS! We couldn't find any part of the hair spray can anywhere, just burning embers! Within a minute the camp host came racing over to our camp in his truck, furious with us because he thinks we were shooting A VERY LARGE gun! Correy & I are standing there like deer in headlights as he jumps from his truck & screams at us and says, "NO SHOOTING IN THE CAMPGROUND! "Thinking fast,I told him we were burning pine wood & it was a sap pocket, which can happen...I GUESS. He bought the story & said "It WAS THE BIGGEST DAM SAP POCKET HE HAS EVER HEARD! Thinking we were in the clear, right behind & next to the host I noticed the shrapnel metal left of the hair spray can, just sitting there in plain view on the bush! It was torn wide open, burned a blackish/gray color still glowing, without skipping a beat I motioned with my head to Correy about the can, Correy quickly walks behind the guy, kicks his heel backwards to send the can flying into the bushes. The host turns around just then & Correy just smiles & said, "BIGGEST DAM SAP POCKET I EVER HEARD TOO!!!! ON A SCALE OF 1-10, THIS WAS DEFINITELY A "10"!

1 comment:

Laura Loo said...

hahahaha. awesome story!!! when was this? that's hilarious