Monday, September 7, 2009

"Baking Cookies"

For any of you that know Correy, I'm sure you've heard at least one laughing reference to "baking cookies." You might have even asked him if he wanted to bake something and received a laugh out of it. Whether you have or not, here's an inside joke from me and my boys.

Junior year of high school I had invited Matt, Correy, and Travis over to bake some chocolate chip cookies and watch "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." When these three showed up at my front door Correy had one of his typical smirks on his face. Instead of trying to figure it out I asked if they were ready for a funny movie and to bake some cookies. To this question Correy just started laughing so we asked for an explanation. I'm unsure if it was Jarred or Preston who was home with Correy before he came over to my house, but whichever brother it was had asked Correy what he was doing. Apparently Correy responded that he was coming over to my house to bake some cookies. The big brother response? "Oh, is that what you kids call it these days?...."

It was that day that baking cookies was no longer in reference to chocolate chip or snickerdoodles, but "baking cookies" was our code word for sex. The one who had sex the most was a good baker, girls that were younger were called "easy bakes," and anytime anyone outside of our group mentioned baking cookies none of us could help but laugh. So to Preston or Jarred, whichever one of you asked Correy what his plans were on that one afternoon when we were 16, I would like to thank you for the longest standing inside joke between me and my favorite boys. I know we still laugh every time we hear it, and wherever Correy is, I know that he'll be laughing too. So the next time any of you start to bake cookies (and I do mean actually bake bake, not "bake"), just take a moment to realize that Correy is laughing and thinking about sex. I know that's what I do, and that's what Tony, Matt, Laura, Leanna, Travis, and I did when we all came together when we came home for the service: we baked cookies for Correy.


Three Boys Mom said...

Nice Melissa, keep posting, love reading the stories, they are wonderful.

Laura Loo said...

I already know the story, but makes me laugh every time. I wasn't there when it first started, but I too was a victim of "want to bake cookies" "..."HAHAHA" and it took me awhile to figure out why Matt & Correy kept making funny faces and insinuating looks when they came over, as I actually baked. After figuring it out, it has been one of the longest standing jokes as well. And i love that it's universal, and we all knew about it. I just feel privileged to be one of the ones that actually got to bake cookies with Correy! and i mean actually bake bake, don't worry. :)

Anonymous said...

I baked cookies for Correy and some UCSC pals the last night I hung out with him. He and I were giggling and I had to explain to my roommates what was so funny about cookies. It was their first time meeting Correy, but the situation made it memorable for them.