Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dr. and Mrs. Fedor

We went hiking together in Santa Clara at some Open Space area. We were passing this one girl who Correy decided to say hi to in passing. She looks at Correy asks, "What are you studying?" So we stop. Looking confused Correy looks down at his shirt which reads "OHSU School of Medicine." He looks up at her all casually and says "Medicine." She proceeds to ask, "do doctor's have special time off or something?" (as it was the middle of the semester at "regular" colleges. Correy answers, "Absolutely." She thought it was the coolest thing he was becoming a doctor, and she looks at me and asks if I was his girlfriend. He says, "This is my wife." She gives us the most bummed out look and says, "Well enjoy the rest of your hike, bye now."
Well out of hearing range we crack up. I tell him that could quite possibly be his last chance for a number... he says, if that's so I'd rather live without it, i mean really "special time off??"

So for like a week he was Dr. Fedor, and in the same week he'd call me Mrs. Fedor. It was funny... you'd have to be there I think.

***Ashley Caraway

1 comment:

Correy's Mom said...

That is just too funny!