Sunday, September 6, 2009

A New Little Brother

     I have a vague and amusing memory of when my mom found out she was pregnant with Correy. It is not the clearest memory ever, but then again, I was only six years old. I am not certain I have any other memory from being six, so this is pretty significant.
     Something was in the air, something different. Mom was lying on the couch. This was an odd thing in itself, as mom never rested, was always doing something. However, this particular afternoon, she was camped out on the couch watching TV. She just didn't feel right. I think I asked her what was wrong, and she mentioned that she did not feel well, and in fact, felt like she did the last time she was pregnant. I was excited out of my mind, but was cautioned that it was only a feeling, and she was totally sure. For some reason, there was no way for her to know at the time, but a few days later... oh yeah, I was going to be a big brother again.
     If I recall correctly, mom didn't want to know the gender of the child until the delivery, as she had with Jarred and me; but, as any woman with two mischievous boys, less than secretly hoped for a girl. Nine months and any number of new baby-holding and diaper-changing classes for we two boys, and out popped Correy - a bouncing crying baby boy. Of course mom and dad couldn't have been happier when all was said and done. 
    And to boot, dad gained the privilege of saying, "My Three Sons," which is apparently a throw back to an old television show of the American Dream...

1 comment:

Mom said...

Okay just to add to this story we were unable to know the sex of the first two, it wasn't the thing they did "way back then" but with Correy we could and chose not to. Having "My Three Sons" is the best ever that this mom could want.