Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Story courtesy of Ashley (unedited)

I have a ton of Correy stories, but I'll tell you one that is probably the only absolutely clean story I have:

     We were in Advanced Scuba together. I had gotten out of the pool early one night to avoid doing this one practice procedure we were working on.  We had to put our masks at the bottom of the pool on the deep end and had to go to the middle of the pool.  Then we had to dive down, grab our mask, clean our mask and then come to the surface and clear our snorkel.  Fun stuff.  Correy knew I didn't appreciate going one at a time practicing this awful procedure because everyone would just be waiting a staring at you.  Anyway, the scuba instructors let me get out, because I had an "ear ache" and I figured I dodged that bullet.  
     Your wonderful brother decided to keep reminding the instructors that I hadn't finished one of the practices we were working on.  So finally about two weeks after being reminded, there was a time when Correy and I arrived early to the pool.  I quickly suggested that I get my gear on and do the "mask clearing thing."  The instructors agreed that it would be okay.  What I didn't know is all the instructors were already there (and they came in packs).  Correy yelled out, "Hey guys, Ashley's going to get in the pool and do her masking clearing!"  I could've punched him.
     I put my mask at the bottom of the pool, swam to the middle and darted for my mask.  When I came up and cleared my snorkel everyone was screaming and cheering, "Yay! Go Ashley.... Woooo!"  I think the temperature of the pool went up ten degrees from either embarrassment or from being irritated with Correy.  Either way, it's one of those things that make me laugh out loud now, and one of those times I could've killed Correy.
     In retaliation though, we went to a hookah bar one night (the one where Correy had this big crush on this girl behind the counter).  Anywho, I told him this would be the night for revenge...  We ordered our usual fruity tobacco, and he always tried to flirt and little with this girl (but always ended with an atomic bomb exploding between them).  We sat down with a couple of scuba friends, and we started to pull out our cards to play a couple rounds of 13.  I looked over at that girl, and she was giving Correy the "well hello" look.  I immediately told him, "I'm giving you 5 minutes to go talk to that girl and get her number, or I'm going to go get her number."
     We kept playing our game and the girl meandered over a couple times, trying to tell these really funny jokes (but the ones you really wanted to gag at).  Anyway, Correy made no attempt to talk to this girl what-so-ever, so I got up and started backwards counting... 10, 9, 8.... while Correy kept saying, "You're not gonna do it..." 6, 5, 4..... "Ashley don't!!" 2, 1.... "Ashley!"
     I went up to the counter and started talking with her.  Asking her if she like her job, yada yada yada... I asked her for her number for Correy.... turns out.... she was checking me out the whole night.  I got her number and walked back to Correy, and simply said, "I got her number."  He didn't need to know anything further.  He was always bringing up how he would've gotten her number at some point.  My response always being "yeah right."


Laura Loo said...

that is hilarious!!

Michael Fedor said...

Ha! Classic!

I hope you threw in the, "Howdya like dem apples?!" for good measure.

Anonymous said...

so did you ever call her?

Ashley Caraway said...

Nope, never called her. I wished I used the "Howdya like dem apples" but I'm pretty sure it was applied to many situations in our times together.

Shy Correy - was always good for laughs