Friday, September 11, 2009

Sword Wound

     As mentioned briefly during the eulogy, Correy was waaaay into martial arts for a long time. He was particularly keen (do people say keen anymore?) on the martial arts weapons. Arguably his favorite was the Japanese Katana sword, of samurai fame. At some point after him, I too took up this fantastically fun and dangerous weapon. 
     One particular evening, he and I were in the backyard together practicing. And by practicing, I don't mean trying to hack one another. We were merely doing repetition of the key movements and sword positions, on the way to vaguely mastering them. So there we are spinning and flipping and hacking and slicing through the air, shadow-swording some invisible ninja assailant. Correy is really going to town, spinning the sword in his right hand, around and around, moving front to back like one would spin a baton (sharp baton). He is grinning with delight and pride, showing off a little as the razor-sharp blade came back around and immediately stuck straight into his thigh
     The sword must have been in close to two inches into his flesh, because the entire tapered portion of the blade was buried. Correy just stared at it in disbelief and started laughing his ass off! Crazy kid didn't even wince. When he was done laughing he just grabbed the end of the blade and yanked it back out of his leg as it oozed blood. He never did go to the ER or anything. The benefit of stabbing oneself in the leg with a super sharp Ginsu is that it leaves a nice even clean slice which fits back together nicely.
     Clean cut or not, he still should have let his Doctor-To-Be brother sew him up with whatever string and pliers he could find in the garage...


Mom said...

Nice one boys, typical, so typical.

Laura Loo said...

AHHH!!! that is hilarious. i can just picture his big smile and hearty laugh. what a weirdo!!

Melissa said...

well he always said he lost feeling in parts of his body from his martial arts. but in this case I think it's just because Cor is a badass :-)

Ashley Caraway said...

hahaha, that's awesome! i truly believe that he's one incredible dude! no wonder my punches to the arm never hurt... after being stabbed in the thigh, punches or something to that extent wouldn't ever phase him