Friday, October 30, 2009

Self-cleaning Kitchens

The kid could never keep anything clean. If you had seen his car, his room, the garage, crap is… everywhere. Sounds in the middle of the night of fridge door slamming (eating the leftovers that I would never eat) door from kitchen to office slam cabinet doors slam slam slam, those loud steps made me think that I was waken up by Bigfoot himself a huge-gantic giant, consistently loud while getting done whatever he needed to do within the house. Usually came down middle of night to find out that entire racket was a side platter to his diving studies. Who’d thunk. Anyways the parents were away for a weekend and they have these strict rules of no girls staying over night especially not in the same bed… ahem ROOM I mean. It is okay if you fall asleep together, but you must then get your ass out of bed, out of comfort and go to the next room. Mom, Dad “EARMUFFS”. I have always thought this was the most ridiculous rule ever invented, so of coarse I fought it. Girl stayed over umm Correy indulged : P
That there was all a lead up into nothing, the thing that got me was a few days in, of the Rents being gone, girl I was seeing at the time and myself decided we would make up some food. Pot stickers and Mac n cheese.. great thought when you are starving, bad idea in general. So we go into the kitchen and I grab out a pot and pan for the stickers and she grabs stuff for the noodles and what do you know every pot and pan is covered in some kind of red sauce and these were placed back in the “clean” cabinet, as I look around more all I see is a full sink of red sauce.. FORKS! SPOONS!! A SPATULA? Mixed in with every utensil you could possibly think of. What a (Mom, Dad “EARMUFFS”) Fuckin mess I say out loud, not pissed more amused cause MAN you are an eFFin slob. We clean the pots and the pans continue to cook and then eat our food which was about as smart as going to Costco shopping for food on an empty stomach, everything is a bad idea in that situation. Correy finally breaks away from his “Disney, girlie, tearjerker, romance movies” for a bit and I say Dood what is up with all of the mess. Correy responds what mess?. I go to point at the kitchen counter that I had already cleaned it up. So I told him you know you made a huge fricken mess and need to clean up after yourself and his response was why should I have to do it if you already got my back on it.


20 minutes later the kitchen was filled up again Correy and Rach Rach’s first round of food was evidently horrible, so they tried again I suppose this time I had nothing to do with the clean-up.


Three Boys Mom said...

EARMUFFS is right but highly enjoyed the story, keep them coming Jarred.

joe fedor said...

GREAT story Jarred, I'd give anything to hear those slamming doors again!!!!!!!!!!!!!